Tea coffee spices Across the seven seas Earlier faster farther We have no interest in participating in the an nual race to be the first to offer our customers first flush teas from Darjeeling On the one hand because we believe the outrageous con sumption of resources involved in flying teas across the globe is not in keeping with the spirit of our times And on the other because we think the trend of flying in teas earlier and earlier is problematic for reasons of quality as well When plucked too early the tea plants do not have enough time to develop their typical flowery Darjeel ing taste Usually the second or third plucking produces even better quality than the first Last but not least connoisseurs prefer batch es that are sent by ship because unlike flown in teas they were not exposed to abrupt changes in temperature So generally speaking we transport tea coffee and spices by ship And then it s not far from the international ports of Hamburg and Bremen to our Diepholz location With the desirable results that qual ity does not suffer and transport related resource consumption is significantly reduced see p 133 But sometimes we have to make exceptions Like when the weather or concerns about quality throw a spanner in the works If the goods delivered by ship do not live up to what the earlier samples promised this can be due to harvest or transport conditions we sometimes have to fly in replacements at short notice if there is no time for an other sea voyage lasting several weeks Through long term planning and intensive dialogue with our suppliers we try to keep such excep tions to a minimum 108

Vorschau Sustainability Report 2019 Seite 110
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