114 True economic sustainability comes from fair prices For trade to be fair the prices also have to be fair I have never had to negotiate prices with Ulrich says Sanjay Bansal of Ambootia de scribing his company s longstanding partnership with Lebensbaum in a documentary film by Ber tram Verhaag The fact that we pay our tea cof fee and spice producers fair prices for the work they do and their profound expertise is not only an expression of our moral values but serves our self interest as well The level of quality that we require is a scarce commodity even in times of global commerce So when we find producers who share our quality standards we want to keep working with them in the long term That means that we don t change suppliers just because an other seller on the agricultural raw materials mar ket may be cheaper at times This applies as a general rule in the world we pay fair prices for things that are essential in our lives namely food So that the people who do this hard work don t merely subsist on their wages but are able to live their lives just like any consumer who buys the products would expect for themselves says Ulrich Walter speaking about the Lebens baum philosophy of pricing Denn schon der ökonomische Alltagsverstand sagt uns dass gemeinsam geschöpfter Wohlfter Responsibility along the supply chain The Lebensbaum Partner System The Lebensbaum Partner System develops and ensures compliance with quality social and environmental standards along the entire supply chain Since 2017 the system has been externally certified by Kiwa International Cert GmbH Our Partner System has received multiple awards such as the German government s CSR Corporate Social Responsibility Award in 2014 On a daily basis it makes certain that our exacting quality environmental and social accountability requirements are met This useful instrument is described in greater detail in chapter 3 see p 44 f Fair prices In our own interest 5 Quality has roots all economic common sense tells us that jointly created prosperity will only grow if its roots are nourished by a sensible price policy Farmers who are secure in their livelihoods have the motivation and means to reliably pro duce high quality crops We consider this level of quality to be non nego tiable and our customers have the right to expect it from us Of course we are also subject to price constraints and do not always see eye to eye with all our suppliers But then we sit down together at the same ta ble and try to come up with a solution that satisfies both parties You can listen to the entire conversation between Sanjay Bansal and Ulrich Walter in Faire Partnerschaft a film by prizewinning documentary film maker Bertram Verhaag at www lebensbaum com en film

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