153 10 20 30 40 50 Lebensbaum employees 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Employees Key Ulrich Walter GmbH Niehoffs Kaffeerösterei Total employeesBioLogX Pure Taste Group People 2010 100 12 37 149 2011 110 13 38 161 2012 37 13 119 169 2013 37 13 15 116 181 2014 36 13 15 120 184 2015 18 14 133 42 207 2016 37 18 14 142 211 2017 37 20 14 132 203 2018 25 16 38 129 208 Works council please At the beginning of the 2000s Lebensbaum had more than 60 employees and the number was growing To give employees a competent point of contact for their workplace concerns management and employees sat down together and decided it was time to form a works council Back then this was unusual for an organisation of that size but in light of the growth of our company it showed foresight The works council and the management work together constructively In company agreements with the man agement we individually regulate issues that are im portant to Lebensbaum such as flexible working hours company pension schemes and interpersonal behav iour in the workplace Our main responsibility is listen ing to each and to every employee says the chair of the works council Since 2013 young employees up to the age of 18 and apprentices up to the age of 25 have also had their own direct point of contact the youth and apprentices council Jugend und Auszubildendenvertretung JAV Our JAV representatives are either currently in or have completed apprenticeship programmes but may not be older than 25 In cooperation with our works council they advocate for our young talents The JAV is elected every two years by the young employees and appren tices mentioned above as of 31 Dec of the respective year

Vorschau Sustainability Report 2019 Seite 155
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