202 GRI 400 Social topics 401 1 New employee hires and employee turnover New employees in 2018 Diepholz 18 in total 10 women and 8 men of which 8 are under 30 years old 8 are 30 50 years old 2 are over 50 years old rate 10 58 Gronau 2 in total 0 women and 2 men of which 1 under 30 years old 0 30 50 years old 1 over 50 years old rate 5 26 Employee turnover in 2018 Diepholz 5 8 women and 7 men of which 6 are under 30 years old 8 are 30 50 years old 1 is over 50 years old Gronau 3 2 women and 1 man of which 0 are under 30 years old 1 is 30 50 years old 2 are over 50 years old 401 3 Parental leave Omission Return to work rate and retention rate are unavailable at this time Striking a good work life balance see p 166 402 1 Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes The statutory notice periods apply 403 2 Types of injury and rates of injury occupational diseases l ost days and absenteeism and number of work related fatalities There are no known cases of work related ill health The rate of work related illness and the absentee rate as a result of such illnesses cannot be reported as employees are not required by law to report illness indicators Work related fatalities did not occur Omission Gender specific data are unavailable at this time By duty and by choice see p 168 ff 404 1 Average hours of training per year per employee Lifelong learning see p 163 404 3 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews Lifelong learning see p 163 405 1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees Our employees see p 164 405 2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men I am well employed see p 165 406 1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken None 407 1 Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk Additional information No operations or suppliers at significant risk The Lebensbaum Partner System see p 44 f Works council please see p 153 Standards for social and ethical responsibility see p 208 ff 408 1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labor Additional information No operations or suppliers at significant risk The Lebensbaum Partner System see p 44 f Works council please see p 153 Standards for social and ethical responsibility see p 208 ff 9 GRI Index

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