71 Customer A definition Our customers they are the industry customers for whom we produce the wholesalers and organic shop owners who distribute our products as well as every single tea drinker curry lover and espresso fan who stocks their kitchen cupboards with Leb ensbaum products In this report and in our daily work we use the same term to describe them all customer Because they are all equally valuable and important to us Close to our customers Good acquaintance In the early years of Lebensbaum it went without saying that we were close to our customers The organic scene was not large we were all good acquaintances And it is also no surprise that as the organic movement has grown and gained ground these ties have loosened But staying close to our customers is still essential to the success of our business It starts with the little things Messages from consumers containing both compliments and complaints find their way to the desks of the managing directors We get important feedback on product inno vations through regular customer surveys and from the readers of Der Lebensbaum our customer magazine In the reporting period we also had qualitative interviews conducted with people across Germany who use organic products The survey methodology was designed to not only investigate the consumers rational mo tives but also their intuitive and emotional motives for buying All this lets us turn good acquaintances into even better ones Our findings help make our customers even more satisfied with our work Customers

Vorschau Sustainability Report 2019 Seite 73
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