10 2 Zero Hunger Goal 7 Affordable and Clean Energy Goal 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth Goal 12 Responsible Consumption and Production Goal 13 Climate Action Goal 15 Life on Land and Goal 17 Partnerships We are connect ed to the other goals as well in important ways Two examples of how we contribute towards meeting goals 7 and 13 are our geothermal energy system and our photovol taic system The SDGs also serve as a guide for scrutinising our activities along the entire supply chain to see where we already comply and what we can still improve The development goals par ticularly apply to the cultivation of raw materials and there fore to cooperation with our suppliers and cultivation part ners Our Lebensbaum Partner System see p 44 f contrib utes towards implementing the SDGs and is externally audited every year see p 43 It is vitally important to our company that we make significant progress towards reaching the development goals not least so that we can continue to deliver high quality organic prod ucts in ten years time The United Nations global Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Sustainable development goals 1 Prologue As the owners of a company if we ever claimed that we wer en t interested in commercial success no one would believe us And for good reason Of course we aim to sell products Anything else would be poor management But we have nev er been driven by greed for profit We have always thought of commercial success as something that enables us to make positive impacts in the world Here is a simple example The more products we sell the more organically grown raw materials we can procure and the great er the demand for organically cultivated fields will be which leads to a whole host of attendant benefits We see ourselves as part of a sustainably oriented business world which works best when we pursue common goals On 1 January 2016 the United Nations 17 official Sustainable Development Goals SDGs came into effect having been unanimously approved by the member nations These goals are of global significance It will take the collective effort of the entire world community to turn towards sustainable de velopment We were given 15 years to implement the goals Nations businesses and citizens alike share responsibility We are glad to do our part Since sustainability is integral to our mission see p 18 and our core business we strive in many ways to reach these goals through our activities and in coop eration with our partners The most pertinent to us are Goal

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