129 0 2 0 4 1 0 1 2 0 70 2016 0 92 2013 0 73 2017 0 70 2014 0 71 2018 0 70 2015 0 6 0 8 Energy consumption kWh per kg of roasted coffee Energy figures for Gronau 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Finished products in kg 3 442 000 3 634 000 3 836 800 4 026 529 3 649 040 3 810 906 Green electricity kWh 663 310 762 507 733 148 752 197 719 370 732 901 Natural gas con sumption kWh 2 497 974 1 786 070 1 964 733 2 051 945 1 929 336 1 970 950 Total energy con sumption kWh 3 161 284 2 548 577 2 697 881 2 804 142 2 648 706 2 703 851 Nature Energy management at Lebensbaum follows the principle of less alternative and self generated Less In Gronau the coffee roaster is the main factor deter mining our overall energy consumption Our new coffee roaster consumes 40 percent less energy than its predecessor This is achieved in part by using waste heat from the roasting process to preheat the next batches of raw coffee beans see p 50 f Energy consumption at both Lebensbaum locations was eight percent lower in 2018 compared to 2013 Alternative Lebensbaum operates using 100 percent green electricity sourced from our local municipal utility And our electric car fleet at Diepholz has grown in the past three years There are now three electric company cars that plug into our own public charging station Self generated In Diepholz the temperature of our carbon neutral production area is regulated through our geothermal energy system Our shipping logistics building is equipped with a solar assisted gas heater solar ther mal energy And on sunny days since December 2015 our tea machines have run on solar power generated by our own pho tovoltaic system When there isn t enough solar power we use green hydroelectric power like before In each of the past three years the electricity generated by our photovoltaic system cov ered about eight percent of our total electricity demand in Die pholz And whenever we have more solar power than we need like during weekends we feed the surplus into the local grid The Lebensbaum energy policy is how we do our part to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 7 Afforda ble and Clean Energy

Vorschau Sustainability Report 2019 Seite 131
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