142 Direct or indirect We generally differentiate between direct and indirect environ mental aspects Direct environmental aspects are those directly related to one or both of Lebensbaum s business locations They include our electricity consumption and the waste that we gener ate there In the Our key sustainability issues see insert p U2 such direct aspects are mostly categorised under Environmen tal management at our business locations Indirect environmen tal aspects are related to the value chain beyond our business lo cations These aspects include energy consumption by our sup pliers during the cultivation and processing of raw materials and the production of packaging materials Indirect environmental as pects are connected to many areas of activity In the chart on the insert on page U2 direct environmental aspects are indicated by a light green flower and indirect environmental aspects are indi cated by a dark green flower Setting priorities Significant environmental aspects Making products always entails making some kind of impact on the environment The footprint left behind is bigger at some times and smaller at others and in the best case it s actually posi tive rather than negative see p 133 So it s important never to lose sight of when where and how our own actions have an effect In the context of sustainability impacts on the environment are commonly termed environmen tal aspects We assess environmental aspects in our materiality analysis see insert p U2 ac cording to the requirements of both the EMAS Regulation in the revised version of 2018 and ISO 14001 2015 Strategic objective We don t merely aim to minimise our envi ronmental impacts We also want to make a positive contribution to the environment How By generating our own renewable energy By promoting organic farming and sourcing a high percentage of our raw mate rials from suppliers that are certified by or ganic associations see p 92 And through our Lebensbaum Partner System which en ables us to encourage the establishment and implementation of quality environmental and social accountability standards in plac es where we don t have any direct influence Namely in value chains beyond our business locations see pages 44 ff 103 and 114 6 Nature and people

Vorschau Sustainability Report 2019 Seite 144
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