145 Nature A few of our products are packaged in tins Tinplate is a material that can be repeatedly recycled without any loss of quality Oddly this particular form of packaging is one that consumers frequently assume is not sustainable The same goes for the previously described film wrappers on our boxes of tea Despite an explanation on the box that the film is compostable con sumers keep assuming that it is regular plastic Regardless of these false perceptions we hold true to the spirit of the UN s Sustainable Development Goal 12 Responsible Consumption and Production We want our packag ing to guarantee food safety and protect our products to the greatest ex tent so that they keep fresh and can be consumed for as long as possible This prevents food waste We aim to offer our customers safe products that taste wonderful while doing our utmost for the environment It is a rather demanding balancing act but the issues are close to our heart and we are dedicated to making more good progress Diepholz 2018 Paper cardboard 82 8 Various types of plastic and composite materials 82 8 NatureFlex film 2 51 Glass 1 3 Tinplate 1 3 Share of renewable materials 85 8 Total amount of packaging material 1 009 8 t Gronau 2018 Paper cardboard 69 9 Composite materials 28 5 Share of renewable materials 69 9 Total amount of packaging material 337 1 t 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Packaging per product Diepholz 35 4 g 34 6 g 33 3 g 28 5 g 31 5 g 31 1 g 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Packaging per kg of coffee Gronau 73 8 g 78 8 g 88 2 g 88 5 g In 2013 2014 data were not yet collected in Gronau

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