Home to 49 000 inhabitants Gronau is located in the German state of North Rhine West phalia directly on the border to the Netherlands Between the medium sized German city of Gronau and the large Dutch city of Enschede the village of Glanerbrug connects the two ur ban areas seamlessly Our employees in Gronau value their close neighbours not to mention the culinary treats found on both sides of the border German regional specialities such as Töttchen ragout and Struwen pancakes are complemented by Dutch delights such as Fri kandel meatballs and Poffertjes yet another kind of pancake If you need to burn off some of those calories there are some 4 500 kilometres of cycling paths in the region And many of them lead through around and to Gronau You can hop on your bike and head to Lake Driland for a swim or visit the Zwillbrocker Venn Nature reserve 30 kilometres away Which is where you can also relax and enjoy Europe s northernmost fla mingo colony from March into the late summer months If the calls of the flamingos aren t musical enough for you there are plenty of other sounds to tempt your ears like the Gronau jazz festival or the local rock festival Music plays a big role here throughout the year thanks in part to the town s famous son Udo Lindenberg a rock musician and composer The city of Gronau has honoured him with a statue on one of its many roundabouts But of even more interest may be a visit to the rock n popmuseum which was founded on Lindenberg s initiative in 2004 and opened with the artist himself in attendance The arts are highly valued in Gronau and thanks to German Dutch cooperation with Enschede the cultural scene is far more varied than you might expect in a city of this size But of course it s not all fun and games Our employees children have several different ed ucational options from primary schools to comprehensive schools and grammar schools many of which offer afternoon instruction Those who are interested in continuing educa tion programmes can attend courses at Gronau s adult education centre or family education centre Once the children leave school many choose to attend university in the nearby city of Münster or across the border in Enschede at the University of Twente GRONAU The land of coffee beans and flamingos People 155
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