162 Showing responsibility towards our employees Pension scheme Since 2013 Diepholz and 2014 Gro nau we have offered our employees the option of participating in a compa ny pension scheme with the Hamburger Pensionskasse pension fund Our com pany makes a contribution of 300 eu ros per year for each employee partic ipating in the scheme with the amount adjusted proportionately for part time employees Furthermore each em ployee can pay into the pension fund by means of deferred compensation Since the beginning of 2018 our company has provided an additional subsidy of 15 percent of the employee s self deter mined monthly contribution In the world of large corporations you ll often find great sounding schemes under the heading of Corporate Social Responsibility Usu ally they re called work life balance programmes Sounds like a lot of work And it often is even just formulating the policies can consume a lot of time and brain power But what is it really all about When it comes down to it it s about making sure employees feel comforta ble that they are supported if things somehow go wrong and that the company s responsibility towards its employees does not end with the simple provision of a job We are medium sized company currently employing 208 people at two locations And we are pragmatic by Nature a typical northern Ger man virtue Developing a large and elaborate programme targeting employee satisfaction and a family friendly workplace is not a good match for our size or our culture We d rather invest the resources that would require in solving problems It goes without saying that we con form with all the principles of fair working hours salaries and more And there is a system in place to make sure see p 162 ff To achieve all this we do not need a scheme with a catchy name but rather to apply our common sense After all we are happy to look out for our employees We have granted both short term and long term bridging loans to employees at so cially responsible interest rates In our organic bistro see p 160 f in Diepholz we cater for individuals with food intolerances and provide them with a full range of meals at no additional cost We don t have a quiet room but we do have a beautiful garden with a patio where employees can relax and take a breather Nor do we have a gym But we don t really need one not with a scenic walking path behind our building leading to the moor Many of our employees like to take ad vantage of the opportunity to stretch their legs after lunch And if this isn t enough exercise they can use a staff bicycle or join our Hansefit programme see p 163 Twice a year we also throw parties which is another great way to relax We know each and every one of our employees talk to them regularly and have an open door for all their concerns Which is better than any manager paying lip service to a policy 6 Nature and people You ll find our standards for social and ethical responsibility starting on page 208
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