Lifelong learning This may sound a bit priggish and those who ve just left school probably don t want to hear it but lifelong learning is not a chore but an enrichment It is our aim to help our em ployees develop professionally to discover and nourish their potential For some of our staff this starts with our apprentice ship programmes see p 157 ff but it certainly doesn t end there Staff development is as essential for us as a company as it is for our employees So each year we conduct a review What training is required by law by the norms and standards we adhere to and by our internal requirements for our em ployees Such training is then offered on a compulsory basis In addition we foster the professional development of our em ployees through seminars and training courses selected on an individual basis as needed Professional development requires feedback on how you are doing in your daily work So regular performance reviews are an important part of staff development For employees work ing in administration they are usually held once a year for pro duction staff once every two years In addition to feedback on employees past performance their future professional devel opment is discussed and performance targets are set In 2018 we conducted performance reviews with 76 percent of our employees in Diepholz We will start to systematically hold reviews for our Gronau employees in 2019 Hansefit The Lebensbaum Nordic walking group meets every Tuesday at 5 30 p m We had this sort of exercise group in 2004 as you can see in this photo from our local newspa per But a lot has changed since then The group no longer meets For one thing Nordic walking is no longer as popular as it once was And for another we now have almost three times as many employees We also want to encourage employees to exercise even if they don t have time on Tuesdays or think Nor dic walking is silly So since January 2017 we have been help ing our employees get Hanse fit Every em ployee who has been working here for more than six months can become a member of the Hansefit fitness network through our compa ny We subsidise the membership fees The personal contribution that our exercise en thusiasts pay is more than fair for what is offered With their membership cards they not only gain entry to sports facilities in and around Diepholz but across Germany as long as they are part of the Hansefit network So whether our employees are on a business trip to Berlin visiting family in eastern West phalia or taking a well earned holiday on the island of Heligoland they have their choice of locations The network has something for everyone from classic gyms through squash and tennis courts to golf courses and indoor climbing centres And for those look ing for relaxation there are spas and saunas as well as yoga studios This lets our em ployees put together a bespoke exercise pro gramme that matches their needs and goals One that is available when they have time for it Anyone who wants to go walking on Tues days is of course welcome to do so With or without poles People 2016 2017 2018 Diepholz 9 8 6 8 13 27 Gronau 0 1 2 5 2 Average skills training hours per full time equivalent From the Diep holzer Kreisblatt newspaper 20 August 2004 163 2016 2017 2018 Diepholz 5 3 3 37 3 99 Gronau 2 6 2 4 2 4 Average compulsory training hours per full time equivalent
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