168 By duty and by choice ASA These three letters stand for our health and safety committee Arbeitssicherheitsausschuss It comprises internal experts and officers our company physician and our health and safety officer in this case an external consultant External because neither of our two locations is currently large enough that it would be worthwhile to have our own employees trained in this area Especially since the regulations are constantly changing Staying up to date would require too great an investment of re sources The committee members discuss changes in the le gal environment Four ASA meetings are held in Diepholz each year attended by around ten people In Gronau it s usually sev en people who meet twice a year In its meetings the commit tee talks about what has occurred since it last came together what we can do better and more First responders Depending on the type and size of the company up to ten per cent of employees are required to be certified in first aid This means they have to attend a first aid course and refresher courses every two years So we encourage employees to vol unteer for this role In Diepholz the percentage of employees with first aid training was 15 percent in 2018 in Gronau it was an impressive 36 percent Numbers that make us proud Fire safety assistants A minimum of five percent of a company s employees have to be trained as fire safety assistants but no one can be forced to take on this role Like first responders our fire safety as sistants are volunteers Whereas before 2013 all that the vol unteers had to do was watch educational films nowadays the 6 Nature and people We place a high priority on workplace safety and occupational health in our company Yes both are legally regulated so we do have to pay attention to them anyway But we don t just want to comply with regulations we also want to do it well Here is a detailed account of what occupational safety and health mean to us Ms Brüning a survey that you developed on sources of mental stress in the workplac e was conducted at Lebensbaum for the second time in 2018 What did the responses look like The findings were really satisfactory and informative Did the findings lead to specific actions on your part It s always possible to make improve ments For example we asked about the workplace environment It turned out that it was too warm for the em ployees in one of our buildings So now we re carrying out thermal insulation measures on that building In another office that s right next to the shop floor the employees find it too loud So from May 2019 a new soundproof wall will improve their working conditions Will the survey be conducted again Yes we ll repeat it in 2020 at the latest Things change so quickly it s important to do it at such intervals Victoria Brüning HR associate and home grown Lebensbaum talent with a Bach elor s degree and a special place in her heart for our apprentices A CUP OF TEA WITH

Vorschau Sustainability Report 2019 Seite 170
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