205 Material aspect ZCorresponding GRI aspects Life cycle stage Type of impact Page s Energy consumption 302 Energy Production organisational governance processes direct The Lebensbaum energy policy see p 128 f Our roaster economical and precise see p 50 f Product naturalness safety qualit 416 Customer Health and Safety Production organisational governance processes product use indirect Purity principle see p 56 Organic We go further see p 92 Association approved products see p 92 All that glitters is not gold see p 94 f Gone with the wind see p 101 Packaging 301 Materials Primary products production organisational governance processes product use end of life EOL direct Packaging As little as possible see p 144 f Product transparency 417 Marketing and Labeling Raw materials sourcing production organisational governance processes product use end of life EOL treatments More than just a pretty face see p 66 f Distribution partner and distribution and marketing activities 417 Marketing and Labeling Shipping logistics product use Food service à la mode see p 82 Corporate transparency and reporting Production organisational governance processes Our management approach and management system see p 39 ff Compliance 205 Anti corruption 206 Anti competitive Behaviour 307 Environmental Compliance 407 Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 408 Child Labor 409 Forced or Compulsory Labor 412 Human Rights Assessment 418 Customer Privacy Production organisational governance processes direct Our corporate policy see p 206 f Standards for social and ethical responsibility see p 208 ff Economic independ ence and financial wellbeing 201 Economic Performance Production organisational governance processes Foreword see p 4 f Stakeholder dialogue Production organisational governance processes Stakeholder process see p 35 Building relationships see p 35 We have to talk see p 74 f Our management approach towards the material issues has not changed see p 39 ff

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