217 OPTA Organic Processing and Trade Asso ciation Europe organisation that represents the interests of organic producers and distributors at the EU level Founded in 2017 based in Milan Italy and Bad Brückenau Germany Lebensbaum is one of the founding members Pinterest Social media network for publicly displaying collections of images online Posterzeitung Very first Lebensbaum customer magazine preceding the Lebens baum Blatt Private label Store brand designating prod ucts made by another company but sold under a retailer s own label Raw material Material before treatment and or processing Rehden Municipality in the district of Diepholz in the German state of Lower Saxony population approximately 1 800 Lebensbaum s previous business location SA 8000 International standard or norm aimed at improving working conditions based on the conventions of the International Labour Organ isation ILO The certification standard is owned by Social Accountability International a financially independent NGO based in New York USA www sa intl org SDG Sustainable Development Goals Sensorics In relation to food Assessment based on sensory perceptions such as smell taste and sight Spray drift Dust or droplets of plant protection products wafted through the air away from the fields where they are applied onto neighbouring fields or for even greater distances Stakeholders Literally those who hold a stake Term used internationally to designate persons or groups of people who have a relation ship to something in our case to our company This includes everyone who in whatever capacity and for whatever reason has come into contact with us is affected by our actions or is someone whom we wish to take notice of us Supply chain All of the linked activities that bring raw materials to our factory gates

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