28 Of all medium sized companies in Germany Lebensbaum did the best job in publicly reporting the social and ecological impacts of its business activities This was the con clusion of an analysis of the sustainability reports of the country s 150 largest compa nies as well as small and medium sized enterprises The ranking was performed by the Institute for Ecological Economy Research IÖW in collaboration with the future e V business association and was sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs following a resolution passed by the German parliament The experts not only evaluated the large corporations but also the medium sized com panies that had voluntarily submitted their reports for the 2015 ranking The results published in September 2016 rated the Lebensbaum sustainability report from 2013 as the best Through its sustainability report Lebensbaum does an exemplary job in ful filling the transparency requirements across the spectrum of sustainability topics The colourful illustrations and design of the report make it attractive to a broad spectrum of readers Lebensbaum was especially successful in reporting the expectations of ex ternal stakeholders through statements and interviews said Udo Westermann of fu ture e V At the end of 2018 the next invitation appeared in our mailbox Lebensbaum s 2016 sustainability report the predecessor to this report had made it to the final round of the new IÖW sustainability report ranking The awards ceremony revealed that we had once again been ranked among the top three this time in second place 2016 Best sustainability report by a medium sized company 2 Our company

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