65 Products So what s the classic visual code for organic The product is placed on a coarse linen sheet Earth tones tend to dominate and there is a high proportion of green In addition the lettering is often made to look like handwriting Do producers who aren t organic pioneers also make use of this code of naturalness nowadays Yes today you ll find it all over the place in grocery stores This then made Lebensbaum s decision to step away from these learned highly embellished paradigms all the more courageous to present something com pletely different a product with clean lines Clarity is essential to the Lebensbaum brand Exactly And that brings us to the subject of authen ticity Theoretically nowadays people could get all the information they need on the internet in real time However they often get some very contradictory in formation And this creates an uncertainty that has led to a countermovement to the food industrial com plex People are longing for honesty and authenticity for a clear stance They find this among the organic pioneers who act from a sense of conviction To me this longing explains the success of the entire organic movement in recent years Green product development There are a lot of great colourful products in this world Some of them have gorgeous elaborate packaging others are more mod est Some are natural products others are stuffed full of every sort of food chemical under the sun The possibilities are almost endless From day one we decided to make good honest products No flavourings or oth er additives 100 organic We believe this also means that our products have to be en vironmentally compatible Nowadays this means biodegradable wrappers non GMO packaging recyclability and much more And when we develop products we take this environmental compatibility into ac count from the very beginning When more than 100 000 units of a product are sold each year even the smallest detail has a big impact We have always paid metic ulous attention to the details that affect the sustainability of our products So the important aspects are embedded in our product development process This means that even in our rapidly growing company they are given the attention they deserve Furthermore there are always new devel opments which are not yet adequately re flected in the process or which may not be so easy to define Our sustainability man agement which is integrated into the pro cess keeps a sharp lookout for such in stances At the end of 2018 we raised the bar even higher New software provides us with an unflinching analysis of the true en vironmental impacts of a piece of packag ing from its creation to its disposal

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