66 Griechische Mythologie Hades will die junge Nymphe Minthe verführen Seine Frau Persephone ist dagegen Und verwandelt Minthe in Minze Blöd für Hades Glück für Tee Jetzt verführt Minze Die Welt schmeckt an jedem Ort ein wenig anders Lebensbaum Einkäufer wissen das Voll Wanderlust suchen sie nah und fern nach besten Zutaten Und nach Inspiration Zum Beispiel für Tee ZUBEREITUNG Einen Teebeutel pro Tasse mit sprudelnd kochendem Wasser übergießen und den Tee 8 Minuten ziehen lassen So erhalten Sie ein sicheres Produkt Minze Minze Minze Kräuterteemischung Zutaten 30g 5 Beutel 1 Liter 100 C1 Beutel 200 ml M in ze M in ze M in ze Minze Minze Minze BIO KRÄUTERTEE MINZIG FRISCH Minze Minze Minze Nanaminze Pfefferminze Apfelminze Weiße Melisse Mint Mint Mint Herbal tea blend minty fresh Ingredients Nana mint peppermint apple mint white balm FROM ORGANIC FARMING Menthe Menthe Menthe Mélange de tisanes menthé frais Ingrédients Menthe nana menthe poivrée menthe velue mélisse blanche DE L AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE Menta Menta Menta Tisana alle erbe rinfrescante sapore di menta Ingredienti Menta nana menta piperita menta a foglie rotonde melissa bianca DA AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA DE ÖKO 001 EU Nicht EU Landwirtschaft 8 Min 20 à 1 5g 2066FS BIO SEIT 1979 S o llte es G run d zur B ea n sta n d un g g eb en sch icken S ie un s einfa ch d ie O rig in a lp a ckun g zu QU ALITÄT HAT HERKUNFT www lebensbaum de Best before end see stamp À consommer de préférence avant fin voir indication de date Da consumarsi entro la fine vedi stampigliatura Bi tt e tr oc ke n la ge rn M in de st en s ha ltb ar b is E nd e U lrich W a lter G m b H D r Jürg en U ld erup S tra ß e 12 49356 D iep h o lz D eutsch la n d AUS ÖKOLOGISCHEM LANDBAU 100 BIO NACHHAL TIG SOZIAL FAIR EINKAUF IM URSPRUNG STRENGSTE QU ALITÄT SKONTROLLEN KLIMANEUTRALE PRODUKTION NATÜRLICHEN GESCHMA CK Gut verpackt weil Schachtel aus nachhaltiger W aldwirtschaft Mineralölfr eie Druckf arben V erpackungsf olie aus Holzf asern k ompostierbar T eebeutel aus Naturfasern F aden aus Bio Baumwoll e Lebensbaum steht fü r With our quality guarantee we re not just telling the consumer what s important to us and what can be expected from our products We also have to put our money where our mouth is In other words we need to be able to prove every claim that we make here Which means these aren t just fine words but established facts that are true of all Lebensbaum products Detailed information about the packaging materials We not only print the German organic seal but the European organic logo as well In addition we include the inspection body that monitors our organic certification as well as information about the country of origin of the raw materials In the case of blends we indicate whether the ingredients originated inside or outside the EU An exact list of countries would be too long and complicated as well because we have several sup pliers for certain raw materials and would have to change the information frequently We also give the contents of the package in terms of number of teabags per box as well as weight per teabag The large e printed next to the weight is the estimated sign It shows that the product was produced in accordance with the German food legislation regulating pre packaged products Fertigpackungsverordnung This ordinance includes rules on the permissible negative deviation from the sample weight in the case of the box shown here up to 9 percent as well as the stipulation that the scales used to check the weight of the products must be calibrated Instructions for preparing the tea are found on the back of the package Both in writing and in the form of easy to understand pictograms water temperature amount per cup and infusion time Specific information and stories about the product On the bottom of the box in addition to our address you ll find all the important symbols tell ing you about the packaging and more The glass and fork are an EU symbol indicating that an ob ject in this case our packaging is suitable for direct contact with food Next to it you ll see the green dot recycling symbol the JAS Japanese or ganic seal and the FSC certificate which shows that the virgin wood fibres used in our packaging come from sustainably managed forests The first thing you see on the shelves of an organic shop are the colourful fronts of the many packaged goods But the pack aging of Lebensbaum products is about more than just a pretty face There is a lot of information printed on each side sto ries about and related to the product ingredients instructions for preparing it and much more Then there is specific infor mation for each product instructions for infusing tea a bean scale showing how strong a coffee is suggestions about what dishes spices are best suited for A box of tea is shown here to illustrate this point More than just a pretty face 4 Finest organic quality
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