76 A fresh look on the net It seems that nothing is so vulnerable to the ravages of time as internet sites In our last report we proudly presented our new homepage And we announced that we would continuously work to improve it make it more user friendly and keep it up to date Four years later our needs and those of our customers not to mention the available technology had changed so radically that we went live with a completely revamped internet site in August 2018 It is less cluttered even more informative and from to day s point of view simply looks better Our new product pages don t just feature information about the taste of our products and how to prepare them Recipes origin stories and precise information about every single ingredient in words and images leave no question unanswered How do you make really good coffee Where does the electricity for our production come from And why does Ulrich Walter drink tea with Sarah Wiener In our new journal we report on everything that happens at Lebensbaum What we do to live up to our qual ity standards and why it starts with the purchasing of our ingre dients And everything that has to do with our packaging In our recipe gallery you ll find something to tempt every pal ate from chocolatey brownies to savoury muffins and spicy marinades 4 Finest organic quality www lebensbaum com en
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