79 In 1988 Lebens baum only had eight employees but was growing There was already a lot to do and you start ed publishing the Posterzeitung the first customer newsletter Why I needed to distribute information We were the first organic brand for tea cof fee and spices We wanted to give organ ic retailers and wholesalers a chance to tell their customers about our products Do organic customers want to be particularly well informed They are interested they don t just want information so they can be on the safe side they want to get involved Back then there weren t any organic laws or regula tions organic products were hardly reg ulated at all So there were a lot of ques tions asked in the stores What does Lebensbaum have to say to its customers today Back in the day you could talk to almost every customer personally Today that s no longer possible A magazine can help forge a connection We provide our cus tomers with information and they write back or call and ask questions In today s complex world I consider this to be even more important than it was in the ear ly years People want to know where the product comes from and who the peo ple are who make it Customers want to know Is this the right company for me Der Lebens baum We have published a magazine for our customers since 1988 What start ed as a simple poster has been adapted and expanded several times over the years A single sided A3 printed poster to hang on the wall its name Posterzeitung meant poster newspaper later became an A4 page folded once and then an A2 page folded once The A2 format bore the name WorldTasteOpen a child of the 1990s Not every reader was hap py with the new name and as time progressed with the format either It was the same awkward size as a daily newspaper so one corner dipped into your coffee cup at the breakfast table while the other brushed the marmalade on your toast It was too big for our readers but too small for us because we often had a lot more to say than fit onto its four large pages So in January 2010 we decided to change the format yet again to an easy to hold magazine measuring 21 x 27 centimetres One year later it made its first appear ance with a new format and a fresh face But the name WorldTasteOpen remained like a somewhat shabby but beloved teddy bear The beauty was in the eyes of the beholder Nothing is eternal however not even that name Since the summer of 2014 our customer magazine has simply been called Der Lebensbaum The magazine invites our customers to browse and read offering deli cious recipes a children s page book recommendations crafting ideas and much more We also report sometimes briefly and sometimes ex tensively on the exciting world of organics and beyond Der Lebensbaum appears several times a year and is at least 24 pages long The printing is carbon neutral on 100 percent recycled paper and free of mineral oil Anyone who wishes can lay it out in their organic shop take it home from such a store or subscribe free of charge at magazin lebensbaum de And of course delivery is also carbon neutral We look forward to every new issue we can produce Although many things have changed at least one has remained the same We still write the articles ourselves Which made us all the more pleased about a mes sage we received in April 2016 telling us that Der Lebensbaum has been included in the collection of the German National Library All past and fu ture issues will be archived there for an unlimited period of time Customers Ulrich Walter Organic pioneer founder of Lebensbaum entrepreneur A CUP OF TEA WITH
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